
  • +86-13615335988
  • lujinghuagong@126.com

Polyferric aluminum chloride-S

    Polyferric aluminum chloride-S is based on polyaluminum chloride and polyferric sulfate, adapts to the requirements of the market, and combines the advantages of the two to develop both the hydrolysis of polyaluminum chloride and the treatment of water turbidity It has a low degree of concentration, and there are new products with high molecular weight of polymeric ferric sulfate and fast sedimentation. It has been widely used in the field of water treatment.
Technical index (Q/ZLJ002-2008)

Item Index
Density (20℃), g/cm3 1.19 ——
pH value (10g/L aqueous solution) 3.5 ~5.0 3.5~5.0
Mass fraction of alumina (Al2O3) / % ≥ 10.0 29.0
Mass fraction of iron oxide (Fe2O3) / % ≥ 0.2 0.5
Basicity/ % 40.0 ~90.0 40.0~90.0
Mass fraction of sulfate (SO42-) / % ≤ 1.0 3.0
Mass fraction of insoluble matter / % ≤ 0.2 0.6
Mass fraction of arsenic (As) / % ≤ 0.0002
Mass fraction of lead ( Pb ) / % ≤ 0.001
Mass fraction of cadmium ( Cd ) / % ≤ 0.0002
Mass fraction of mercury ( Hg ) / % ≤ 0.00001
Mass fraction of hexavalent chromium ( Cr+6) / % ≤ 0.0005
Note: As , Pb , Cd , Hg , Cr+6 listed in the liquid products in the table are calculated based on Al2O3 10% , solid products are converted into Al2O3 10% products based on the actual content , and the percentage of impurities is calculated. .

1. When using liquid products, add water to dilute to the required concentration.
2. When using a solid product, first add water to dissolve it to form a 10-15% solution, and then dilute to the desired concentration; when dissolving, first add water, stir and slowly feed.
3. Do a small mixing experiment to find out the latest dosage according to the water quality.
4. When it is not used for water purification but for other purposes, it should be used according to specific conditions.

Packaging and storage:
1. Liquid products are packed in acid-proof tanks or plastic drums.
2. The solid product adopts double-layer packaging, the inner packaging uses polyethylene film bags, and the outer packaging uses polypropylene plastic textile bags.
3. Solid products should be stored in a ventilated and dry warehouse.
4. The shelf life of liquid products is 6 months, and the shelf life of solid products is 24 Months

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  Next product: Polyaluminium Chloride

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